Saturday 3 January 2009

Vi aggionariamo

San Miniato, home of the hillside truffle hunt, from our pre-Christmas tour to Tuscan wine country

Some updates on past blogs:
- We remembered that our Euro-prince had also mentioned something called a "tight". We think this was the entire black tie ensemble.
- I am now 90% certain that what I thought was tripe in my bollito misto was tongue. This hasn't made the memory any more palatable.
- I have moved on from my book on France to the hagiographic Freakonomics (don't bother - it's nowhere near as interesting as it should be, or as it thinks it is) and to a book on flyfishing which is fun. Gird yourself for interesting facts on London's past fishing rivers
- We have been free with the use of "Slowpoke Rodriguez" when overtaking each other on our cycle ride around Lucca's walls. Here is the root of it for all to enjoy.
- We're awaiting the Befana witch, who appears on the evening of 5th January (the night before Epiphany) to give sweets to well-behaved children like
The Seffalice.

1 comment:

Heather and Stoods said...

did the witch get you?
an eery silence on Seffalice blog!