Sunday 12 April 2009

Local loyalty

I have acquired a loyalty card of sorts from the local fruit and veg shop. Once I spend 9 sets of £4 I get 20% off my next shop. Or 20% off the next £4 I spend. Which would be 80p. The terms and conditions weren't clear.

The shop includes a Devon flag on the label for all the locally-sourced produce and I'm trying to make a point of buying the local stuff. Currently in season are leeks, swedes and massive potatoes.

I've made nice with the elderly ladies who run the shop, advising one of them on how to cook fennel. I'll be back next week to ask how it went. Maybe they can be our new Exmouth friends.


Charlie said...

A tip for leftover vegetables, which I tried out at the Mater's this weekend. Why not use the leftover veg from the Sunday roast in a Spanish omelette? Take the cooked leeks, cooked carrots, cooked potatoes etc. chop up any large bits (particularly the carrots and the potatoes) fry in some olive oil with some garlic and chilli until crisping at the edges and cover with beaten egg. You should probably be doing this in a frying pan, rather than a saucepan. Turn the heat down, cover (with a plate, or a lid, if your pan has one) and cook for ten minutes. Flip it (by turning omelette onto a plate and sliding back into the pan so that it's now turned over), and cover and cook again. Serve with Maldon sea salt and chilli sauce. Delicious.

Also useful for those leek recipes: cock-a-leekie.

Seffalice said...

I have an abundance of leeks and potatoes now, so cock-a-leekie may well be the order of the day. I'll try and mix it up though, not to forget keeping it real, and will post the recipe.