Wednesday 24 December 2008

La vigilia di Natale

Christmas greetings vocab: "Buone Feste", "Buon Natale", "Auguri"

The Christmas markets here have generally been pretty disappointing: normal markets selling their regular tired mixture of junk and tat, but transplanted to a more prominent spot for the few weeks before Christmas.

The exception has been the one in the square in front of Santa Croce church in the center of Florence, though they had to import some Germans to do it properly, proving once again that Central Europe is the only place that really knows how to do a Christmas market.

Stripy wooden Christmas market cabins? Check.
Hot wine? Check.
Cured meats in a bun? Smoked meats in a bun? Hot meats in a bun? Check. Check. Check.
Special Christmas-themed junk and tat? Check
Prices double those of the nearby shops? Check.
Strudels, pretzels, cakes, biscuits, chocolates? Check.
Merry-go-round converted into bar and sausage stall? Check.

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