Thursday 11 December 2008

L'Albero di Natale della Lucca

Immediately after the visiting comic geeks left Lucca in October, taking their geek marquees with them, a large concrete slab was laid in the square outside out our window. A month later, excitement! They're putting up the Christmas tree!

1. How curious, they're caging the tree. It must be one of those EU Common Market regulations.

2. Mama mia! What crazed vision of robot trees from the future is this?

3. La Seffalice, dig out last year's letter to The Telegraph about the Turner Prize and take down the following amendments.

Oh, I see. They're just testing the electrics before...

4. ...attaching the coloured tubes.

5. Hang on lads, it's lunchtime. See you in three hours.

6. The finished article. Actually it doesn't look so bad from down here.

7. The view from the mind of confused winter bird, such as a robin, who's been told there's a new tree in town to nest in.

8. And finally, the turning on of the lights. Our flat is now warmed at night by a glow in the fashion of Kramer's apartment in the chicken roaster episode.

1 comment:

Heather and Stoods said...

gracious...not very traditional!